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الايام نيوز

اتفاقية المؤثرات العقلية

اتفاقية المؤثرات العقلية

Convention on psychotropic substances

اتفاقية المؤثرات العقلية
اتفاقية المؤثرات العقلية

Entry into force:16 August 1976, in accordance with article 26(1).
Registration:16 August 1976, No. 14956
Status:Signatories : 34. Parties : 184

Note:The Convention was adopted and opened for signature by the United Nations Conference for the Adoption of a Protocol on Psychotropic Substances, held at Vienna from 11 January to 21 February 1971.  The Conference was convened pursuant to resolution 1474 (XLVIII)1 of 24 March 1970 of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nation

التعليقات مغلقة.