الاتفاقية الوحيدة للمخدرات لسنة 1961
Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961

Status | : | Signatories : 61. Parties : 154 |
Note | : | The Convention was adopted and opened for signature by the United Nations Conference for the Adoption of a Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, held at United Nations Headquarters, New York, from 24 January to 25 March 1961. The Conference was convened pursuant to resolution 689J (XXVI)1 of 28 July 1958 of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. The Conference also adopted the Final Act and five resolutions for the text of which, see United Nations, Treaty Series , vol. 520, p. 151. For the proceedings of the Conference, see Official Records of the United Nations Conference for the Adoption of a Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs volumes I and II, United Nations publications, Sales Nos. 63.XI.4 and 63.XI.5. |
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