بروتوكول للحد من وتنظيم زراعة نبات الخشخاش ، وإنتاج الأفيون والتجارة الدولية والجملة في واستخدام الأفيون
بروتوكول للحد من وتنظيم زراعة نبات الخشخاش ، وإنتاج الأفيون والتجارة الدولية والجملة في واستخدام الأفيون
Protocol for Limiting and Regulating the Cultivation of the Poppy Plant, the Production of, International and Wholesale Trade in, and use of Opium

Status | : | Signatories : 34. Parties : 51 |
اعتمد البروتوكول وفتح باب التوقيع عليه من قبل مؤتمر الأمم المتحدة بشأن الأفيون ،
الذي عقد في مقر الأمم المتحدة ، نيويورك ، في الفترة من 11 أيار / مايو إلى 18 حزيران / يونيه 1953 ، وعقد المؤتمر بدعوة من الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة عملا بالقرار 436 ألف.
(XIV) 1 بتاريخ 27 مايو 1952 للمجلس الاقتصادي والاجتماعي التابع للأمم المتحدة. كما اعتمد المؤتمر الوثيقة الختامية وسبعة عشر قرارًا ، للاطلاع على نصها انظر: United Nations، Treaty Series، vol. 456 ، ص. 3.
وفقا للمادة 44 (1) منها ، تنتهي أحكام الاتفاقية الوحيدة للمخدرات لعام 1961 ، بصيغتها المعدلة
بالبروتوكول المعدل للاتفاقية الوحيدة للمخدرات لعام 1961 المؤرخ 8 آب / أغسطس 1975 ، فيما بين الأطراف فيها ، وتحل محلها.
أحكام البروتوكول أعلاه. انظر الفصل VI.18
Participant 2 | Signature, Succession to signature(d) | Ratification, Accession(a), Succession(d) |
Argentina | 24 Mar 1958 a | |
Australia | 13 Jan 1955 a | |
Belgium | 30 Jun 1958 a | |
Brazil | 3 Nov 1959 a | |
Cambodia | 29 Dec 1953 | 22 Mar 1957 |
Cameroon | 15 Jan 1962 d | |
Canada | 23 Dec 1953 | 7 May 1954 |
Central African Republic | 4 Sep 1962 d | |
Chile | 9 Jul 1953 | 9 May 1957 |
China 3 | 25 May 1954 | |
Congo | 15 Oct 1962 d | |
Costa Rica | 16 Oct 1953 | |
Côte d’Ivoire | 8 Dec 1961 d | |
Cuba | 8 Sep 1954 a | |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | 31 May 1962 d | |
Denmark | 23 Jun 1953 | 20 Jul 1954 |
Dominican Republic | 23 Jun 1953 | 9 Jun 1958 |
Ecuador | 23 Jun 1953 | 17 Aug 1955 |
Egypt | 23 Jun 1953 | 8 Mar 1954 |
El Salvador | 31 Dec 1959 a | |
France | 23 Jun 1953 | 21 Apr 1954 |
Germany 4, 5 | 23 Jun 1953 | 12 Aug 1959 |
Greece | 23 Jun 1953 | 6 Feb 1963 |
Guatemala | 29 May 1956 a | |
India | 23 Jun 1953 | 30 Apr 1954 |
Indonesia | 11 Jul 1957 a | |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) | 15 Dec 1953 | 30 Dec 1959 |
Iraq | 29 Dec 1953 | |
Israel | 30 Dec 1953 | 8 Oct 1957 |
Italy | 23 Jun 1953 | 13 Nov 1957 |
Japan | 23 Jun 1953 | 21 Jul 1954 |
Jordan | 7 May 1958 a | |
Lebanon | 11 Nov 1953 | |
Liechtenstein | 23 Jun 1953 | 24 May 1961 |
Luxembourg | 28 Jun 1955 a | |
Madagascar | 31 Jul 1963 d | |
Monaco | 26 Jun 1953 | 12 Apr 1956 |
Montenegro 6 | 23 Oct 2006 d | |
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) | 30 Dec 1953 | |
New Zealand 7 | [28 Dec 1953 ] | [ 2 Nov 1956 ] |
Nicaragua | 11 Dec 1959 a | |
Niger | 7 Dec 1964 d | |
Pakistan | 3 Dec 1953 | 10 Mar 1955 |
Panama | 28 Dec 1953 | 13 Apr 1954 |
Papua New Guinea | 28 Oct 1980 d | |
Paraguay | 15 Aug 2001 a | |
Philippines | 23 Jun 1953 | 1 Jun 1955 |
Republic of Korea | 23 Jun 1953 | 29 Apr 1958 |
Rwanda | 30 Apr 1964 d | |
Senegal | 2 May 1963 d | |
Serbia 8 | 12 Mar 2001 d | |
South Africa | 29 Dec 1953 | 9 Mar 1960 |
Spain | 22 Oct 1953 | 15 Jun 1956 |
Sri Lanka | 4 Dec 1957 a | |
Sweden | 16 Jan 1958 a | |
Switzerland | 23 Jun 1953 | 27 Nov 1956 |
Türkiye | 28 Dec 1953 | 15 Jul 1963 |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | 23 Jun 1953 | |
United States of America | 23 Jun 1953 | 18 Feb 1955 |
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | 30 Dec 1953 |
Declarations and Reservations
(Unless otherwise indicated, the declarations and reservations were made upon
ratification, accession or succession.)
The Royal Government of Cambodia expresses its intention of
availing itself of the provisions of article 19 of the Protocol.
It is expressly declared that the French Government reserves the right, in respect of French establishments in India, to apply the transitional measures of article 19 of this Protocol, it being understood that the period mentioned in paragraph 1, sub-paragraph (b) (iii) of that article shall be fifteen years after the coming into effect of this Protocol.
The French Government likewise reserves the right in accordance with the transitional measures of article 19 to authorize the export of opium to French establishments in India for the same period of tim
It is hereby expressly declared that the Government of India, in accordance with the provisions of article 19 of this Protocol, will permit
“(i) The use of opium for quasi-medical purposes until 31 December 1959;
“(ii) The production of opium and the export thereof, for quasi-medical purposes, to Pakistan, Ceylon, Aden and the French and Portuguese possessions on the subcontinent of India for a period of fifteen years from the date of the coming into force of this Protocol; and
“(iii) The smoking of opium, for their lifetime, by addicts not under 21 years of age, registered by the appropriate authorities for that purpose on or before 30 September 1953.
“2. The Government of India expressly reserve to them selves the right to modify this declaration or to make any other declaration under article 19 of this Protocol, at the time of the deposit by them of their instrument of ratification.”
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
The Imperial Government of Iran, in accordance with article 25 of the Protocol for Limiting and Regulating the Cultivation of the Poppy Plant, the Production of, International and Wholesale Trade in, and Use of Opium, done at New York on 23 June 1953, and in accordance with article 16 of the Bill approved by the Iranian Parliament on 16 Bahman 1337 (7 February 1959), declares its ratification of the Protocol, and hereby further specifies that its ratification of the Protocol will in no way affect the status of the Law providing for the Prohibition of the Poppy Cultivation, as approved by Parliament on 7 Aban 1334 (30 October 1955).”
“The Government of Pakistan will permit for a period of fifteen years after the coming into effect of the said Protocol: (i) the use of opium for quasi-medical purposes; and (ii) the production of opium and/or import thereof from India or Iran for such purposes.”
Territorial Application
Participant | Date of receipt of the notification | Territories |
Australia | 13 Jan 1955 | Norfolk Island, Papua, Trust Territory of Naura and Trust Territory of New Guinea |
Belgium | 30 Jun 1958 | Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi |
France | 21 Apr 1954 | Territories of the French Union |
New Zealand | 2 Nov 1956 | Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau Islands and Trust Territory of Western Samoa |
South Africa | 29 Dec 1953 | South West Africa |
United States of America | 18 Feb 1955 | All areas for the international relations of which the United States is responsible |
التعليقات مغلقة.